Unfortunately, criminal technology becomes more sophisticated with each passing day. Although 2FA is one of the strongest security systems, a new hack is putting it in jeopardy. Tap or click here to see if you’re in danger of losing your accounts. That’s why today, we’re sharing an extra step you can take to protect yourself. If you’re a Facebook user, you can take advantage of a special recovery method that uses your support system as extra security. Here’s everything you need to know.

Set up a group of trusted contacts

It might sound strange at first. After all, you always hear the advice never to share your passwords. While that’s absolutely true, this method doesn’t require you to share any private information whatsoever. Instead, by setting up a group of trusted contacts, you’re letting your friends help you. If you’re ever locked out of your account, your friends can help rescue your profile. Basically, if you need to get back into your account, just ping your friends and they’ll send you a recovery code with a special URL. Next thing you know, you’re back in business! HERE’S A HELPFUL TIP: One simple solution to securing all of your online accounts This is different compared to most recovery methods. Usually, websites will use 2FA through your phone or email account. Of course, as we mentioned above, hackers are finding creative new ways to circumvent these measures. While they’re still secure for the most part, it doesn’t hurt to get some help from your friends.

Here’s how to set it up

To choose your trusted contacts, follow these steps:

First, tap on the downwards arrow at the top right of your screen. Then, tap Settings & Privacy.From there, tap Settings. You’ll be sent to a new page.Next, tap Security and Login.

Your screen will look something like this: Now that you’re on the Settings page scroll down to the heading called Setting Up Extra Security. Then, tap Choose 3 to 5 friends to contact if you get locked out. Here’s what your page will look like:

Once you’ve chosen your trusted contacts, you can always click Edit to change or remove them. Now you’re ready to team up with your friends. It’s always great to have folks you can rely on, and Facebook helps you keep in contact with them. One great way to stay close to friends is through video chats. Facebook recently debuted its own application that competes with big names like Zoom. If you want to use it, though, you should clean up your Facebook settings to keep the company from tracking your activity and selling it to advertisers. In fact, while you’re at it, it’s a good idea to update all of your privacy and security settings. Tap or click here for 10 ways to optimize your Facebook privacy settings.