OnePlus today announced a limited edition Star Wars OnePlus 5T variant in India that will be launching in the country on December 14. The phone features a while back with a red Star Wars logo etched on its lower back. It also has a red Alert Slider and black volume buttons for a contrasting and catchy look. The phone will likely also come with some exclusive Star Wars wallpaper preloaded on the device.
OnePlus is holding a launch event for the Star Wars edition OnePlus 5T on December 14 at Wadala, Mumbai. You can buy the tickets for the launch event for $15 (Rs 999) from here which would also give them a chance to get their hands on the device and a “grand surprise.” OnePlus apparently plans on producing only around 15,000 units of the Star Wars themed 5T. The handset will likely only be sold in India and won’t make its way to other parts of the world. The Star Wars themed OnePlus 5T is aimed squarely at Star Wars fans who have a knack for collecting various limited edition items related to the franchise.