OnePlus today announced that it its handset — the One — will now be available for purchase without any invites. To avoid certain risks, the company had initially released its handset last year via an invite system. Interested customers were required to procure an invite for the handset before they could order one. This frustrated many customers as the handset was in high demand initially, but it was tough to get invites to order it. With time though, the company started releasing more invites as their supply caught up with demand. Earlier this year, the company even started selling the handset without any invite through its online store every Tuesday. Now, the company is doing away with the invite system entirely now in all the region where it sells the handset. With the OnePlus 2 on the verge of being announced, and the demand for the OnePlus One being at an all time low, it makes sense for the company to sell the handset without any invite now. Sadly though, OnePlus also announced that it will be selling the OnePlus 2 initially via its invite system. While frustrating for customers, the invite system allows the company to main its razor-thin margins while keeping its risk under control.