Ordered the elusive OnePlus One and were expecting to get your hands on it any day now? Well, if you live in Europe, here is some bad news for you. The handset has once again been delayed by up to two weeks because a whole batch has been returned by the European customs.  The reason behind returning a whole batch of OnePlus is that the custom officials found the CE marking at the back of the handset a bit too thin for their liking. Below is the what Bridget Hickey said about the whole matter on the OnePlus forums: Due to this reason, OnePlus will now have to redo the CE logo on the back of their handset for the European markets, which will incur an additional delay of two weeks at the very minimum in shipping the handset.  Keep in mind that this delay is only for the European region. If you live in any other part of the world and ordered a OnePlus One, chances are its already on its way to you. Either ways, the OnePlus One has already been delayed numerous times and another delay is not going to go down well with its potential customers.