You know one reason the PC platform doesn’t match the Mac for gaming (tongue in cheek) is its slavish devotion to DirectX 11, but perhaps this will change now Open GL has been updated to become a much better spec. The Khronos Group today shipped an updated version of Open GL (v.4.1), which can do everything DirectX 11 can do, and adds a few other lovely features, too. Not least seamless enhanced integration with OpenCL for “seamless visual computing”. (Sure am looking forward to the 3D computing age, just you wait. Apple’s working on it, promise). OpenGL 4.1 is the sixth update to OpenGL specification in two years, continuing the rapid evolution of this royalty-free specification. This new version continues to maintain full backwards compatibility. New functionality in the core OpenGL 4.1 specification includes:

Full compatibility with OpenGL ES 2.0 APIs for easier porting between mobile and desktop platforms; The ability to query and load a binary for shader program objects to save re-compilation time; The capability to bind programs individually to programmable stages for programming flexibility; 64-bit floating-point component vertex shader inputs for higher geometric precision; Multiple viewports for a rendering surface for increased rendering flexibility.

Khronos has simultaneously released a set of ARB extensions to enable as much OpenGL 4.1 core functionality as possible on previous generation GPU hardware; providing maximum flexibility and platform coverage for application developers.