Netflix’s Orange Is The New Black is certainly an ensemble show, but the core storyline moving throughout is the love/hate relationship plot between Piper Chapman and Alex Vause. That’s what starts the story and it’s what ends it, with all the bumps along the way being highlighted.

While they clearly love each other, to the point where they get prison married, they are also not very well matched. They constantly argue, they cheat on each other and seem to just have totally different personalities, which means they’re likely better suited to other people. Throughout the show, Piper interacts with several women who she was better suited to in many ways, as well as other characters she doesn’t get romantic with, but likely would have been better with. Here are 10 women that Piper should have been with instead of Alex.

Lorna Morello

Much like Piper at the beginning, Lorna never seemed to want to embrace the fact that she was gay. She often kept her fling with Nicky as private as possible and didn’t really go around proudly in that regard, which could have been something they bonded over together.

While Lorna’s mental health problems eventually get the best with her, throughout most of the series she’s incredibly bubbly and has one of the most positive personalities in the prison. There’s no doubt they could have clicked and enjoyed a less painful relationship than Piper and Alex’s.

Poussey Washington

Poussey was the nicest person in Litchfield, and her death remains the most emotional scene in the history of the show. Poussey enjoys a great relationship before that moment sadly occurs, but that doesn’t mean she wouldn’t have worked with Piper as well.

Piper is similar to Brooke Soso, who Poussey did date and that’s why they might have worked as a couple. Sure, there would have been big issues between their groups if it had happened, but that doesn’t mean it wouldn’t have worked.

Brooke Soso

Speaking of Brooke, she’s another person that Piper could have had a solid relationship with. Sure, there were moments when they didn’t get along, but they have tons of similarities, especially in their personalities. They’re both quite needy, don’t believe they belong in prison and are incredibly emotional.

Both women are major outcasts at times throughout the series, and being together could easily have helped them with that situation. They can both be incredibly kind when they want to be, so together, there’s no doubt it could have worked.

Larry Bloom

Larry is the person that Piper is originally in a relationship with when the show begins. The two of them appear to be close and have a good life until Piper takes a criminal turn, but even afterward when he has moved on, they seem to have a good connection when Piper leaves prison.

While Piper does prefer girls, she has several one night stands with men and tries that after being released, showing she’s not against it. At the end of the day, had she stuck with Larry, it’s unlikely she’d have ever ended up in jail to begin with.

Big Boo

If you get into a relationship with Big Boo, it’s very rare that you’ll get out of one. She’s possessive, but not in a mean or nasty way. Out of everyone in Litchfield, nobody is more comfortable with their sexuality than Boo, and that could really have helped Piper Chapman.

Not only is she proud of who she is, but Boo is also incredibly dedicated to protecting those close to her. Considering some of the sticky situations Piper ends up getting into, having someone like Boo behind her might not have been the worst thing.

Artesian McCullough

Artesian McCullough might have been on the staff, but that doesn’t really mean anything inside Litchfield, does it? The guards have plenty of inappropriate relationships throughout the show, and McCullough actually ends up having one with Alex, of all people!

However, while she does fool around with Piper’s partner, them as a couple could have worked as well. They’re both not the most confident of people, but they know how to take control if needed. McCullough is a nice person, despite a few issues, and they could have worked out nicely.

Dayanara Diaz

Granted, a relationship with Dayanara would have taken Piper down a path that she couldn’t have come back from, but together they could have completely run the prison. Diaz ended up running things and became one of the most dangerous people within the prison, which is something that Piper always wanted for herself.

At times, Piper acted like the Queen Bee, even though she wasn’t. But with her brains and Diaz’s presence, they could have been a true power couple. While Piper would probably have earned herself a life sentence through the relationship, it could have also stopped Diaz from going down the path she takes.

Stella Carlin

Stella is someone who Piper does actually have an affair with throughout the show, taking place in the third season. The two of them have massive chemistry together and it’s very clear they find each other sexually attracted, which is how they bonded so fast.

In the end, their relationship ends in disaster as Stella steals from Piper, leading Chapman to set her up and send her to Max as revenge. However, without that little blip, there’s no doubt that they could have been something together as they just clicked. Plus, Piper isn’t exactly an angel, is she?

Nicky Nichols

Nicky and Piper never did get romantic together, which is a shame as there’s no doubt they could have worked nicely as a couple. Nicky has to battle through major issues with her drug addiction early on, but once she powers through that she’s one of the most positive people on the show.

They’re both upbeat and love to help others, they’re caring and kind and that’s why they would have made a solid couple. Nicky is incredibly loyal, which is something that Piper needs in her life and is why they could have worked if they’d ever given it a go.


Out of everyone that Piper interacts with, Zelda would have been the best candidate for her to end up with in a long-term relationship. She is someone that Piper meets after being released from prison, and they certainly connect well together.

They sleep with each other and do begin a brief fling after Alex encourages her to sleep with other people. The fact that Piper nearly chose Zelda at the end of the series says everything you need to know about how close they were, and they certainly seemed to suit better than Alex did.